Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer is an Epoch-making health instrument to measure and analyzer human health condition simply by hold an infrared senor within minutes through the signal of electromagnetic waves emitted from the cells of human body.
The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer is a preventive and non- invasive revolutionary spectral testing method in a rapid and accurate manner in determining sub-health conditions and diseases .
The QRMA measure the degree and type of response of the human body under test, add by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the normal health conditions .
The weak magnetic frequency and energy of the human body are collected by holding the QRMA Sensor. After amplification by the instrument and processed by the built in micro processor , the data is compared with the standard spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated within the instrument to analyze whether the sample waveform are regular or irregular using the Fourier principle approach .
The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer analyzes the various organs in the body and the entire body system. It enables you to have adequate knowledge of your health condition and what is going on in your body before any embarrassing situation occurs. Do not be caught unawares It can easily be operated at home for individual & family use to detect most numerous sicknesses and diseases in the body that you are not even aware of.
The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer is a preventive and non- invasive revolutionary spectral testing method in a rapid and accurate manner in determining sub-health conditions and diseases .
The QRMA measure the degree and type of response of the human body under test, add by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the normal health conditions .
The weak magnetic frequency and energy of the human body are collected by holding the QRMA Sensor. After amplification by the instrument and processed by the built in micro processor , the data is compared with the standard spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated within the instrument to analyze whether the sample waveform are regular or irregular using the Fourier principle approach .
The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer analyzes the various organs in the body and the entire body system. It enables you to have adequate knowledge of your health condition and what is going on in your body before any embarrassing situation occurs. Do not be caught unawares It can easily be operated at home for individual & family use to detect most numerous sicknesses and diseases in the body that you are not even aware of.
Product Name
WF-QA18 quantum resonance magnetic analyser
52 reports
Whole body sub health detect
4.6.0 original software
Over 90%
Main Body X1,detecting handle X1,Software CD X1,USB Softdog X1,USB Cable X1
User Manual X1 |