Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer is a new instrument to test human sub-health condition. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected through place your hand on the device and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach.
Our prestigious clients can avail a wide array state of the art analyzers including Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer. It is ultra modern equipment that can present total 46 reports related to various body functions for sake of analysis and treatment. It is provided with a highly responsive sensor that picks up frequencies of the body and the same are amplified with help of latest software loaded in the instrument with micro processor. It is a well accepted method of analyzing various body functions to design accurate treatments and also to confirm effects of the treatments on these criteria. It can also facilitate prediction of imminent diseases and conditions in absence of any symptoms thereby allowing the early beginning of required treatment.
We are presenting a broad gamut of Quantum Resonance Health Analyzers including Meridian Health Analyzer. It is capable of generating multiple reports showing health indicators within few moments. It provides accurate readings with help of a vast database that is loaded in the system. It is a well accepted method of analyzing various body functions to design accurate treatments and also to confirm effects of the treatments on these criteria. It can also facilitate prediction of imminent diseases and conditions in absence of any symptoms thereby allowing the early beginning of required treatment. It can be attached to computer for displaying various results and analytical reports.
Our prestigious clients can avail a wide array state of the art analyzers including Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer. It is ultra modern equipment that can present total 46 reports related to various body functions for sake of analysis and treatment. It is provided with a highly responsive sensor that picks up frequencies of the body and the same are amplified with help of latest software loaded in the instrument with micro processor. It is a well accepted method of analyzing various body functions to design accurate treatments and also to confirm effects of the treatments on these criteria. It can also facilitate prediction of imminent diseases and conditions in absence of any symptoms thereby allowing the early beginning of required treatment.
Product Name
6th generation quantum resonance magnetic analyzer
Model No.:
Unite Price
6.3.1 original software
46 reports
XP, win 7,win 8, win 10
Clinical,Hospital,Beauty shop, Salon, Hone
1 machine,1 USB key,1 USB cable,1CD,1 manual
One pc
One year
Over 85%
Payment Term
TT, Wester Union, Money Gram, Paypal,Others
We are presenting a broad gamut of Quantum Resonance Health Analyzers including Meridian Health Analyzer. It is capable of generating multiple reports showing health indicators within few moments. It provides accurate readings with help of a vast database that is loaded in the system. It is a well accepted method of analyzing various body functions to design accurate treatments and also to confirm effects of the treatments on these criteria. It can also facilitate prediction of imminent diseases and conditions in absence of any symptoms thereby allowing the early beginning of required treatment. It can be attached to computer for displaying various results and analytical reports.